Author Details
NameIan Clive McInnes
Date of Birth13 September 1955
Country of ResidenceMexico
Marital StatusMarried
(to Mexican national)

Any principled person will share my shock and outrage at the insidious and pervasive government corruption in protection of big business and against the individual that my experiences have revealed. This includes indictable offences committed by the very organisations that are responsible for administering the law.

As I am denied due process, I am publicising this sordid matter via my homepage and its two linked websites, with the aim of bringing it before the judiciary (which I hope is still independent). For me, this is an odious and barren task, but one which I will not abandon. Against difficult financial circumstances I have consistently refused to accept crooked deals from both Scottish Widows and TPO to access my personal pension funds. Those who entrust their money to pension "providers" deserve better.

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