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Construction Project: Casa "La Esperanza"

Stage 4 - Roofs

Roofs are a roughly equal mix of flat losa and sloping with bóveda; again, since this is a one-story construction, the roof area is larger than that of "El Refugio". The flat roof sections to the rear and center will be built first, then the sloping ones with steel I-beams. The roofs in this house are a little complicated and offer some challenges for our maestro, especially the connections between the different roof sections (four sloping sections to the front, a flat section to the center, and a flat section to the rear).

The total time taken for the work on this page is just over 9 weeks. Click here to see a summary of masonry costs for this stage.

Page Contents

Week 25 (contd.)
The flat roof sections are fitted with boards ready to receive the losa, with molds used to create holes for the skylights. Also, window arches are made for the front of the house.
Week 26
The flat sections of roof are poured, and work on the roof walls started. Also cadenas are fitted to tie the boundary wall to the house foundation to compensate for its structural defects.
Week 27
Firme has now been poured both on the losa of the flat roof sections, and the floor of the front terrace. There are also more roof walls.
Week 28
Start of the sloping roofs (bóveda, using I-beams). Also baldosa is laid on the flat roof sections.
Week 29
The beams have been laid over the living room, but unfortunately it was made too short, and the result required modification to improve it. The herreros made a stupid mistake in fitting the beams, which wasted a substantial quantity of steel. Work has started on the bóveda; also aplanado has started on the exterior walls.
Week 30
Work continues on the bóveda and fitting the I-beams.
Week 31
Fitting of the I-beams is completed, and fitting the bóveda is also nearly done. Work is starting on laying reinforced concrete over the bóveda.
Week 32
Structural work on the roofs is now essentially complete. The submersible pump in the aljibe has been fitted, and the water supply is ready for installation of the taps.
Week 25 (contd.)
30 Aug 2014

Wooden supports have been made to support the concrete that will be poured for the losa. Polystyrene molds have been made for the skylights, and there are casings for recessed lighting.

30 Aug 2014

The front of the house, showing the window and door arches being formed.

30 Aug 2014

A view over the central flat section of the roof. Trabes have been made, and the concrete will be reinforced with over a tonne of additional varilla.

Week 26
03 Sep 2014

An overview - it is looking more and more like a house.

03 Sep 2014

Inside the house, showing the wood columns used to support the concrete that will be poured in a day or two.

06 Sep 2014

The flat parts of the roof have now been poured. Rather than haul the concrete up using ropes, they built this staircase. Although the amount of concrete required for the flat roofs is considerable, it is significantly less than that required for the foundation. But again, it would not have been economic to use ready-mixed concrete.

06 Sep 2014

A view on the top of the roof. The brick wall around the flat part of the roof is also being built.

06 Sep 2014

Inside the house, looking down the corridor. It is pitch dark now without the skylights.

06 Sep 2014

Another view on top of the roof. To the right are some of the molds used to make holes for the recessed lights.

06 Sep 2014

There are also a number of cadenas to tie the boundary wall to the house foundation in order to stabilize it against movement due to earthquakes, or problems with the foundation (we noted serious problems with "maestro" X's work in this area). The problem with the pipe sticking out of the wall has now been fixed.

Week 27
10 Sep 2014

A view on the roof, looking toward what will be the staircase from the floor of the house.

10 Sep 2014

From the roof, looking over the improvised staircase to the front. To the left are 5000 bricks for the bóveda ceilings; to the right of this are 1050 small bricks for the square columns at the front of the house. There are a few standard bricks to the front of these - we need 700 more to complete the house.

10 Sep 2014

A view over the living room.

13 Sep 2014

The bricks around the columns at the front are now being laid (they will later be filled with concrete). This is effectively the first of the finishing work; everything else to date is obra negra that will be covered over. Nonetheless, these bricks will later be cleaned to remove effluorescence.

13 Sep 2014

An overview showing that firme has now been poured for the front terrace. This is made from mortar and the hormigón to the right of the tinaco.

13 Sep 2014

A view of the roof, showing that firme is now being laid over the 20cm of reinforced concrete.

Week 28
19 Sep 2014

Construction of the sloping roofs is about to start. The beams and welding equipment have arrived, and the steel I-beams are being unloaded. Unlike those delivered to "El Refugio", they are bare steel, which will require application of a paint primer.

19 Sep 2014

Also here are 3,500 pieces of baldosa for tiling the flat roofs.

19 Sep 2014

There are more registros - here is one for the electrical cabling.

20 Sep 2014

The next day some beams had been placed over the living room, and the baldosa has been moved onto the roof. To fit the beams, Rubén subcontracted a team of herreros (for obvious safety reasons, this work must be carried out by properly-qualified personnel).

20 Sep 2014

Laying of the baldosa is underway (it is clear that one of the skylights is covered, but this is a trivial issue).

20 Sep 2014

The beams being fitted over the living room.

20 Sep 2014

This shows where the stairs to the roof will be - at the moment there is a wooden ramp over the house wall for access (the staircase would not be convenient to use, since it is inside the house wall). The tinaco, pressure system and water softener will go in the space to the left of the staircase.

Week 29
23 Sep 2014

Another overview, showing more of the beams in place.

Unfortunately, they have not been placed according to the plan, the 8x4 being placed too far towards the front, with corresponding discrepancies in all the beams behind it. After discussion with Rubén, we agreed modifications to work around this that will involve only a small relocation of the beam at the front, not all the beams that have been fitted over the living room. Nonetheless, this amounts to a significant deviation from what was specified in the plan.

23 Sep 2014

There is only a little work remaining on the flat parts of the roof, and the work on the sloping roofs is about to be held up by welding of the beams (the bóveda cannot be done until these are in place). We therefore agreed that Rubén would continue with aplanado on the walls. This is as well, since the carpentry is likely to take some time, and measurements cannot be made until this has been done.

27 Sep 2014

The herreros made a stupid mistake with the beams at the front of the living room; instead of all beams radiating outwards from the end of the 8x4, they stuck beams at various points along it (this looked so ridiculous, I couldn't bring myself to take photos of it). Nonetheless, work on the bóveda has already started here at the back of the living room.

27 Sep 2014

They have also started aplanado on the exterior walls. I did a thorough check of electrical fittings today to make sure we are ready for this on the interior.

Week 30
01 Oct 2014

Work on the bóveda is continuing over the living room. The beams at the front now radiate outwards as per plan, but as can be seen here the spaces between them in which the bóveda will be fitted are nowhere near even. They will have to be adjusted to at least make reasonably even spacing, but I fear that the design has been seriously compromised by the misplacement of the front beam.

03 Oct 2014

A view showing the bóveda from above. This will later be covered with reinforced concrete, then tiled.

03 Oct 2014

The bóveda is also continuing over the kitchen and terrace. The round columns support not only the double-sloped roof over it, but also the beams for the inclined roofs to the sides; these are embedded in the columns lower down.

03 Oct 2014

A view showing the two roofs over the living room and kitchen/terrace. The problem with the front of the living room has now been rectified (to the extent that it can be, given the original misplacement).

04 Oct 2014

More bóveda over the living room, showing conduits that have been installed for the hanging lights that will be placed here. The gaps between the beams and the arches will be filled in with cement, as was done in "El Refugio".

04 Oct 2014

Work in progress on the rather complicated system of sloping roofs. It has given our maestro Rubén a bit of a headache, but all seems to be coming out fine. The overhanging edges of the double-sloped roofs are terminated with a steel sill.

04 Oct 2014

The bóveda over the terrace. This will need a considerable amount more work to clean and polish the brickwork and mortarwork, as well as seal and paint the beams.

Week 31
07 Oct 2014

Fitting of beams is now complete, except over the entrance hall and porch. The roof over the kitchen has had a layer of concrete.

07 Oct 2014

Concrete being laid over the living room. This is reinforced with varilla and malla, which is welded onto the beams.

07 Oct 2014

A closer view of beams being fitted over the entrance.

07 Oct 2014

Bóveda is also being fitted over the sitting room.

11 Oct 2014

Bóveda has now been completed over the sitting room; this is a view from inside, showing it is well-shaded (we hope not too much...).

11 Oct 2014

A view over the sloping roof of the sitting room, with the double-sloped roof of the entrance to the right. Also shown is one of the molds used to form the bóveda.

11 Oct 2014

As can be seen, some work still remains over the entrance.

11 Oct 2014

A view inside the living room, showing that bóveda has been completed internally, although a few details remain outside. All this must later be finished off; this includes cleaning the bricks, painting the beams, and refining the mortarwork.

11 Oct 2014

The intersection of the living room and kitchen roofs; we hope that this together with the front of the living room can be nicely finished.

Week 32
15 Oct 2014

A view down the terrace, showing the bóveda and the brick columns.

15 Oct 2014

The roof over the porch/entrance hall is now nearly finished; although we had expected the structural work on the roofs to be completed by now.

15 Oct 2014

A view from the bar area toward the kitchen. They have started the aplanado on the kitchen wall.

18 Oct 2014

An overview, showing that obra negra on the roofs is now essentially finished. I am still not happy about the discontinuity ("droop snoot") in the living room roof introduced by the error in positioning the front beam, but hope that it will look acceptable once the roof tiles are fitted. I must console myself with the thought that this new "design" does give rather better shading to the sides than that specified in the plan. Another cosmetic issue is that the tinaco is clearly visible; we hope to find some way to hide it.

18 Oct 2014

Another view down the terrace, this time from by the sitting room. This area is intentionally well-shaded, since it faces south-south-west into the strongest sun. We hope that making the terrace a pleasant place to sit will not result in the kitchen and sitting room being too dark.

18 Oct 2014

The submersible pump is now installed in the aljibe. Unlike at "El Refugio" where a separate pump on the roof supplies the pressure to the pneumatic tank, here this will be done by the submersible pump. Jaime appears to have already tested the water piping under high pressure.